New Year, New You!
New Years is hailed as THE time for change. The January rush to gyms indicates the pep in the collective step - for us as a society to shift into healthier habits.
“This is going to be the year”, we say!
“It’s a new year, it’s a new you!”
And yet there is also the common phenomenon of burnout soon thereafter. When the excitement of the year’s turn diminishes, we are left with whatever belief systems and habits we had before, IF we are basing our shifts only on the cultural presupposition that we ought to initiate change, and whatever initial momentum we may feel because of it. In order to be successful, we have to turn inward to access our true motivation and power.
Because we do in fact feel momentum towards change in each of life’s transitions, whether that be the start of a new life chapter, the changing of the astrological seasons, the start of a new year, a new week, a new day, a new moment - we have the potential in each to begin again. And we can use the energy we feel in transition to our advantage, but we cannot rely solely on momentum.
As true change requires consistency. It’s a practice. It requires inspiration, intention, patience, failure, learning, flexibility and courage. It means getting back up on the horse when it may feel easier to just stay down. In order to stick the landing on any change you’ve committed for yourself in this transition, use the momentum of this moment to spark the fire, but know that you will have to keep it burning in order to be successful.
By no means am I discouraging you from living up to your New Year’s Resolutions - I only want you to set yourself up for success. To have honest expectations about whats required moving forward.
So, if the ball drop has given you a pep in your step, use it! But remember that it’s only a boost. You’ll have to choose to act on the 1st of March as much as you had to on the first of this new year - though if you stay consistent, it should be a much easier choice to make by then, hopefully even a no-brainer, and ultimately rewarding.
Because resolutions are an active choice, not a one and done. Setting them clearly is an essential part of the process. Empowered choice and inspired action is the majority.
The process of change is a fun one when you are kind to yourself. Though not always easy, it’s one of the most incredible and empowering initiatives in life. The new year can ignite a passion for change, but only YOU can realize it.
In that spirit, I wish you each joy and success in making your resolutions reality.
Happy New Year!
With Love,