1-on-1 Self-Leadership Coaching Programs

  • The Self-Realization Program

    Three Months of 1:1 Self-Realization Coaching

    Self-Realization - fulfillment of one’s own intrinsic potential

    Until we actualize our own potential within, we cannot lead another with integrity. Using coaching strategies catered to your unique self, I’ll guide you to realize the best YOU that you have to offer the world. You’ll learn to make decisions aligned with your values and strengths. Set goals for a balanced life and develop concrete action plans - a clear "How". Replace limiting perspectives with expansive ones. Develop clear intrinsic motivation - a strong "Why". And learn to make the world a better place, starting with your own.

  • The Self-Leadership Program

    Six Months of 1:1 Self-Realization Coaching

    Self-Leadership - to confidently & compassionately lead oneself from within

    In order to powerfully and lovingly lead another, we must first learn to lead ourselves. Self-Leadership is built upon steady practice. When we commit to the development and evolution of the humble, heart-centered and healthy ego, we learn to lead ourselves confidently, lovingly and powerfully through life. Commitment to the Self-Leadership Program means committing to the transformation into your best self. With consistency, you’ll evolve in capability, resiliency, passion, and purpose. And you will be well-equipped to take the learned skills and perspective forward on your own, into the world you create for yourself, and the world you create for others.

My commitment to you as your coach - my craft - is to see and reflect the inherent goodness in you: your potential, your gifts, the love in your heart and the power in your hands. And to help you realize and grow them within.

Working with Quiggy has been one of the best investments in myself that I’ve ever made, and has had such a profoundly positive effect on my well-being and self-perception…Quiggy is one of the first professionals I’ve encountered working in the care industry who I’ve felt a deeply valuable connection with, and who has communicated genuine compassion to me. I find myself looking forward to sessions and feeling incredibly motivated and inspired by them. It is difficult to describe them in detail because they themselves are incredibly open and led by whatever seems to come up that week, but they are always founded on and driven by a desire to act and manifest yourself in your life rather than merely talk about it, which I have found so beneficial. They are also founded on and driven by intentional and open communication, self-empowerment, mutual respect, but most importantly, love. Love for oneself, love for the world and the people around us, and love for this extraordinary existence which we get to be part of. It’s the first time in a long while when I’ve felt genuinely grounded in myself and truly excited about the future and inspired by its infinite possibilities, and I know our sessions together have played a crucial role in that. - Tom, 26, Self-Leadership Program

While each coaching relationship is unique, our work will center around cultivating what I call The Core Cultivations:

Growth Mindset, Gratitude, [Self]-Compassion, Congruency and Purpose.

These attitudes, and the associated skills, build a loving, empowered relationship with self from which anything in your life is possible. If you want to be happier, healthier, more at peace, passionate, purposeful, whatever a good life looks and feels like to you - it boils down to you relationship with self. Because the world around us is a reflection of the world within us, and if we want to make the world a better place, we must start with our own.

Who You’ll Become:

  • Clear and confident in who you are, living each day with more passion and purpose

  • More present with and appreciative of this gift of life

  • Kinder to yourself, and more resilient as a result

  • Well-equipped with the skills and mindset to lovingly and powerfully navigate your life, through all the ups and downs

  • Fulfilled creating and living your dreams - and having a fucking blast doing it

Sliding Scale Pricing: My wish is to meet people where they are at, for support to be accessible to those of all financial situations. As such, I operate with a sliding scale pricing scheme. The Base Price is the asking price at which I offer the program. The Scholarship Price is offered for those in need of a little assistance, and The Benefactor Price is for those who have the funds and want to give back - the Benefactor and Scholarship prices are proportional, so that those offering a little more, give back directly to those applying at the Scholarship Price. You are welcome to chose anywhere along the scale that feels accessible and fair for you. There is no judgement, I’m just happy to be able to work with you. Furthermore, though payment is preferred upfront, payment plans can be arranged, as needed!

If you show up for this 100%, I guarantee you that our work together will change the entire trajectory of your life for the better.

If you’d like to explore coaching together, and get to know the transformation it will have on your life, schedule a complimentary Curiosity Call with me below. I look forward to meeting and working with you.

With Love & Gratitude,
