My Philosophy
We are all inherently good inside:
The potential to live joyous, purposeful lives is made possible by realizing and growing that goodness within.
And when we prioritize our own well-being, we do so in the interest of the greater good.
I’ve suffered a lot in my life - as we all do. Through the nasty divorce of my parents, childhood obesity, shame and low self-worth, injury and chronic pain, toxic relationships, people pleasing, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, insomnia, the works - my conviction stands that in each trial of life there is an opportunity to become happier, freer, more grateful, stronger, and more congruent with who we truly are and want to be. I treat life as a beautiful opportunity to grow, even when it’s challenging.
I want to share that spirit with you.
I take an alternative approach to improving our mental health and making the world a better place. I believe that underlying our feelings of depression, anxiety and self-doubt are humans ill-equipped with the skills and perspective to navigate life confidently. We need to prioritize and champion our happiness as individuals, in order to live mentally, physically and emotionally healthy lives. Because we all deserve to do more than survive - We deserve to thrive. And happy, healthy individuals turn their abundance towards the outside world, contributing to the greater good by sharing their own unique goodness. The world is a better place for everyone when we each choose happiness as individuals. To focus on yourself is really a selfless endeavor.
But, happiness doesn’t come from going through the motions, or living on autopilot. We can be led astray by modern society, taught to expect satisfaction in material goods, wealth, success, relationships, and pleasurable experiences. We are taught that there is only one right path, that one size fits all, and that happiness is “out there”, ever eluding us. But we are often looking in the wrong place, and suffering as a result.
Really, happiness is an inside job. It's a natural byproduct of self-understanding, of exploring and coming to truly know oneself, of training the mind, and opening our hearts.
And when you take time to get clear on who you really are and who you want to become, and adopt the skills and mindset to make it so, the conviction and confidence to act purposefully in life comes organically. And as we cultivate that self-satisfaction, naturally we turn to positively impact the world around us. A full and overflowing cup pours plentifully to share with others.
That's where I come in: I want to guide you to the clarity, courage and confidence to create a happy, healthy, meaningful life - one that will make the world a better place, starting with your own.
As a coach, I serve my clients with perspective, care, humor and inspiration. I’ve spent my life looking inward, coming to know, and create, my most authentic self and absorbing a range of guidance from all walks of life. And I’ve spent the last 10 years honing my craft and guiding others, from all walks of life. I’m inspired by and share wisdom from modern psychology, Buddhist and Yogic traditions, cognitive neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and my own meditation practice and insight.
I think trees are freakin’ awesome; They embody the nature of my philosophy: A tree offers a home for the surrounding forest. The birds and the bugs are offered refuge. Nutrients are shared via its root system. And it recycles carbon dioxide, pumping out much needed oxygen for us all to breathe. It weathers storms and even takes the beating of our rampant deforestation, all with serenity and firm roots. We can learn a lot from the generosity of trees.
As such, I devote a portion of my coaching proceeds to planting trees with the organization One Tree Planted (you can read more below). Its a small impact and by no means a signal of virtue or a marketing tactic - I believe in compassionate capitalism: That we must work to make our livings in alignment with our own happiness, and yet share our part in affecting the greater good. This is one way I try and do so.
Readiness for coaching does require willingness to take full responsibility for your own happiness and success. Because ultimately we must each be accountable for our own lives, for our own well-being. No one can live our life or make changes for us. I would only disempower you with such talk. Thus, I cannot walk in your shoes. I cannot make the journey for you. Only you can. This is your journey.
As your coach, I will see and encourage the best in you, such that you may believe in the possibilities at your fingertips, too. I can help you find the right direction, offer valuable perspective, equip you with the right tools, cheer you on and support you unconditionally every step of the way. As a client of mine, I promise that you will feel loved, championed and capable.
Because support and love is essential to our thrive-al. We cannot go at this alone. We are interdependent beings. We only truly thrive when we support one another - it really does “take a village.” And I believe it’s this balance between personal power and receptivity to our interdependence that will make the future of this planet prosperous.
If you chose to invest in yourself and commit fully to this philosophy, you will develop deeper self-awareness, self-compassion, self-leadership, self-confidence, gratitude, clarity, and belief in your own inherent worth. That happiness is YOUR choice, and the power to be able to make that choice day in and day out, and to feel capable of creating a life you love living, will become increasingly clear.
Are you ready to choose happiness? You deserve it. We all do.
“Prior to working with Coach Quigg, I felt insecure, uncomfortable in my own skin, restricted on the dance floor and unable to be vulnerable.. I was unhappy with how I showed up…After 6 months working together I’ve found that I absolutely love who I am - playful, vulnerable, authentic, curious, creative, funny, intentional, grounded and balanced. I’ve created connections, I feel confident, I feel comfortable in my own skin. “ - Rob
I have a Bachelors in Psychology from The George Washington University, a Life Coaching Certification from The Jay Shetty Certification School, which is accredited by the Association for Coaching (AC) , and am currently enrolled in a two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfeld, two of the leading mindfulness educators in the West, and accredited by The Awareness Training Institute and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. You can read more about the program, and the incredible work they do HERE.
In terms of experience, I’ve worked for many years as a coach and mentor in youth summer camps. I’ve worked with over 1000 kids and young adults of all ages, guiding them in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. I also taught English in Vietnam for three years, expanding my skillset as a teacher.
The most important qualification, in my book, is my meditation experience. I have maintained a deep, consistent practice for the past nine years of my life and have sat on over ten 7-10 day long silent meditation retreats, some here in the West, and several at a monastery in Thailand. I often learn more about the human mind and nature in 10 days of intensive meditation than I did a year in university. Thus, a passion for meditation and a fire to share it.
My greatest strength is in my range and my commitment to growth as an individual and coach, and to making the world around me a better place. I’m infatuated with the various sciences and traditions that help us become our best and to help heal the world. It’s the constant learning and integration of various tools and insights that strengthen me to teach and coach how I do. I do know the limits of my expertise and know not to venture into territory where I am less than fully capable. As I’m fascinated by the complex nature of the world, especially the one within, I will remain driven to learn, grow and master my craft.
That is my commitment to myself, my commitment to you and my commitment to the world.
I believe it’s our responsibility to play a part in supporting the healing of this planet. The future of so much depends on the choices we make and the actions we take today. And, as I feel connected to trees, which support life on this planet by recycling carbon dioxide and supplying us with fresh oxygen, I have partnered with the non-profit One Tree Planted, whose mission it is to reforest the planet and re-equalize damaged ecosystems. I’ve committed to their One for One Program; for each coaching session sold, I donate a dollar towards the planting of one tree. This simple project has a big impact on the regeneration of the planet, and I’m happy that we can contribute.