If you feel like you have something unique to offer the world but are…

  • Stuck in self-doubt, rumination and constant self-criticism

  • Stuck in unhealthy relationships that no longer serve you

  • Stuck in self-sabotaging habits that keep you small

  • Constantly comparing yourself to others, feeling an insatiable pressure to fit in

  • Chomping at the bit to make a change but feeling demotivated, unorganized and unsure where to start

Than allow me to support you in…

  • Learning to be kind to yourself, becoming your own best friend, coach, healer and greatest advocate

  • Letting go of the people and places that are holding you back, and learn to set respectful, empowered boundaries that protect your precious energy

  • Developing healthier habits that support your healing, your health, your happiness and your evolution into the healer that makes the world a better place

  • Stopping the comparison game, finding peace and joy in who you are - fitting in with yourself - while respecting the differences and choices of others

  • Getting motivated to make the changes you desire and deserve, identifying and taking clear action steps towards your goals and bigger mission

You’ll leave our coaching work together grounded in and loving who you are, intrinsically motivated, unshakeably confident (humble, too), and powerfully purposeful.

If you are ready to make this journey with me, explore the different options I offer for working together:

Young Healers

Ages 18-25

For those of us inspired by a deep vision for a meaningful and impactful life, the pressures to conform to society just can’t stop us! I’ve lived through the pain of trying to fit into what I believed to be expected of me - to go to college, graduate with good grades, enter the work force, specialize, grind a 9-5, invest, build a family, grow old, retire, etc. The Rat Race pressures us to fit a one-size-fits-all bill and can crush our authenticity and true potential if we don’t rise above.

I myself explored a Pre-Med track in college, and while a deep service-mindset was influencing this exploration, it was mostly motivated by the promise of prestige and wealth - values society misleads us into. It was my experience studying abroad that “broke me out of the Matrix” and set me on a path of cultural and inner exploration throughout my 20’s. I ditched the med school idea and took a "non-traditional path out of school, backpacking, across South America and Europe, working as a segway tour guide, a hostel receptionist, a summer camp counselor and an English teacher in Vietnam - all the while building skills and exploring interests that led to the final realization of my true gifts worth giving.

So, for those of you out there who KNOW deep down that they have special gifts that they want to share with the world, to help heal the collective, to change the world for the better, know that you are not alone! That you have permission to follow your unique path. That it doesn’t have to look like what anybody else is doing. And it would be an honor and joy to support you in that journey.