If you are on, or want to start, an entrepreneurial journey but are…
Too often living in your head - plagued by self-doubt, rumination and self-criticism - fixating on outcomes
Stuck in unhealthy relationships that are getting in the way of your mission
Stuck in self-sabotaging habits that keep you from realizing your dreams
Constantly comparing yourself to others, feeling the pressure from society to play it safe and just be an employee
Struggling to stay motivated and organized
Confused and uncertain about your next steps or how to plan long-term
Than allow me to support you in…
Learning to be kind to yourself - becoming your own best friend, coach, and greatest advocate - and enjoy the process!
Letting go of the people and places that are holding you back, and learn to set respectful, empowered boundaries that protect your precious energy
Developing healthier habits that support your healing, your health, your happiness and your evolution into the entrepreneur that makes the world a better place
Stopping the comparison game, finding peace, safety and joy in who you are and the path you continue to chose - learning to fit in with yourself
Getting motivated and organized, identifying short and long-term goals, and taking clear action steps towards your bigger mission
You’ll leave our coaching work together grounded in and loving who you are, intrinsically motivated, unshakeably confident (humble, too), and powerfully purposeful.
If you are ready to make this journey with me, explore the different options I offer for working together:
Young Entrepreneurs
Ages 18-30
The entrepreneurial journey is inherently a deep, personal exploration of Self. What we create to share with the world is either inhibited by the blocks we have within ourselves, or expanded by the expansive belief we have in who we are and what we have to offer.
Though I officially began my entrepreneurial journey in my late 20’s, in many ways it began soon after college. Unexcited to sit at a desk or work for the sake of working, I explored myself and my interests throughout my 20’s. I backpacked across South America and Europe, worked as a segway tour guide, a Summer camp counselor & mentor, a hostel receptionist and taught English abroad in Vietnam. It was this exploration, the experimental attitude, that gave way to the integration of skills and strengths I could eventually offer as a unique purposeful expression of my gifts. And it’s this growth mindset - the curiosity, the willingness to get uncomfortable, to try new things, stumble and fall, learn and apply - that marks the spirit of the entrepreneur.
Moreover, I believe entrepreneurialism to co-exist peacefully and powerfully with compassion - that we can and should build businesses with consideration for the greater good, if not solely to contribute to it.
I’m still on my own entrepreneurial journey. It’s a never-ending one, but such a fulfilling one. And it would be an honor and a joy to guide you in finding your own path as an entrepreneur, too.