Inner Freedom

We have the freedom to be.

We have the freedom to learn.

We have the freedom to breathe.

We have the freedom to do jumping jacks.

We have the freedom to chose kindness and compassion.

We have the freedom to choose their opposites.

We have the freedom to make mistakes.

(I made a few of the spelling kind).

We have the freedom to stretch.

We have the freedom to create.

We have the freedom to be lazy.

We have the freedom to form community.

We have the freedom to accept ourselves unconditionally.

We have the freedom to accept others the same.

We have the freedom to draw.

…to sing.

…to hope.

…to fear.

…to listen.

We have the freedom to grow.

We have the freedom to stay the same.

We have the freedom to toot.

We have the freedom to write.

We have the freedom to accept our circumstances.

We have the freedom to resist them.

We have the freedom to care for ourselves.

We have to freedom to dream.

We have the freedom to meditate.

We have the freedom to be easy.

We have the freedom to be critical.

We have the freedom to dance.

We have the freedom to nap.

We have the freedom…

…to walk around the house naked.

We have the freedom to be silly.

We have the freedom to be serious.

We have the freedom to hold.

We have the freedom to let go.

We have the freedom to be weird while no ones watching.

We have the freedom to be weird while everyone’s watching.

We have the freedom to care for others.

We have the freedom to be cranky.

We have the freedom to bitch about not being free.

We have the freedom to laugh.

We have the freedom to smile.

We have the freedom to be alive.

We are quite free.

And we have a lot to be grateful for.


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